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About Me

Founder of Gainesville Holistic Health Center

Co-Founder, Whole-Listic Children’s Foundation and Hospital

Founder of the Upgrading the Brain® Method

About Me: About Me

Stéphane Provencher Ph.D’s earliest memories resounded with cries of pain and discomfort. Massively obese and bullied throughout childhood, he knew one thing for certain; he was not normal. “By the time my parents divorced, it was clear that any personal roadmap I might have developed was shattered, my destiny was a vague memory wrapped in the solitude of despair. It was years later, after leaving school and traveling to Europe, after reading The Alchemist that I discovered my limiting beliefs were no more than illusion. I began to ask Who am I? Why am I here?


Dr. Stéphane was now free to recall how his gift for intuiting where in their bodies’ people held pain, enabled him to feel what they were feeling and help heal their emotional wounds. This awareness guided his dedicated studies and career in chiropractic as he began to understand how the intertwined relationship of the body, mind, and spirit worked together. For Stéphane, learning how emotions—not purely physical ailments—cause 90% of all pain and dis-ease, was not as much revelatory as confirmatory.


The staggering realization that emitting or sending frequencies of love can restore proper balance forever changed Stéphane Provencher’s life and the lives of those he serves. “I am 100% clear that I am a vehicle. My commitment and passion is to guide as many as possible to wellness through self-love and knowledge. I invite you to initiate your own extraordinary journey of the soul.”


Dr. Provencher’s dream from a young age to unite a multi-faceted model of health care in one place is underway and coming to fruition with the building of the Whole-Listic Children’s Hospital.;;;


Dr. S' Resumé : Click Here


Doctor in Chiropractic - DC
PhD in Integrative Medicine - PhD 
Pastoral Science & Medicine Doctorate - PScD
Doctor in Integrative Medicine - IMD
Doctor in Natural Medicine - DNM
Doctor in Humanitarian Services - DHS
Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine - ABAAHP
Fellowship in Anti-Aging Medicine and Functional Medicine - FAAMFM
Fellowship in Integrative Medicine - FIM
Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy - FITC
Fellowship in Chiropractic Craniopathy - FICS 
Fellowship in Alternative Medicine - FAM
Fellowship in Holistic Health - FHH
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner - BCHHP
Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner - BCAMP
Diplomat in Chiropractic Craniopathy - DICS
Certified in Functional Medicine - CFMP
Certified Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach - CLPHC
Certified Homeopathic Consultant - CHC
Certified Kinesiotape Practitioner - CKTP


Dr. Awesome®

Life & Behavioral Coaching Specialist


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©2020-2024 by Dr. Stéphane Provencher DC aka Dr. Awesome

All techniques used during your coaching call are not part of any established “standards of care” or “scope of practice”

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